CRank: 5Score: 49820

If I want quality journalism or a good read, I'll read a novel.

I want inside scoops and early tips on whats coming up.

Hey the new Trico game is coming to Leipzig,hey Jax 4 is going to be shown next week at a special private showing etc,etc...

I am sure you're site will be a good one,and I wish you luck. But...... I thought you're site was already a special one,now it seems it's going "main-stream."

5901d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with Omegasyde .....

You're site was special. It seems now it will be like many of the other hundreds out there.

I wish you could still get some "early scoops" and then give them that "quality journalism". This way you will get the best of both World's....

5901d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been to 10 E3's now. And the last 2 have been "souless" as he states. Like the air has been punched out of you're stomach.It seems empty and almost as if you are walking through from meeting to meeting in a zombie state. No real glitz or glamour,the excite 'O' meter is on low,where did all the piz zaz go? This new format has to go!!!

If I hear of no changes for 09" I will be a no show.

On a good note,I will be going to my first "Leipzig...

5905d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally true! Bubbles for you.

When I think of LBP,I get giddy with anticipation.

Even more than my 2nd most anticipated up-coming game Gears 2,and for anything that can surpass Gears 2,that means a whole lot to me....

5906d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want Trico and Jax 4 as much as anyone.Big-time! However....... I want this game to be a whole "other" beast. We already know we are getting ico's next game and Jax 4 sometime down the line,so it would be even better that we are getting "yet" another fantastic IP to join Trico and Jax4....

When talking of Mag and 256 players online this game seems to have a heavy focus on the multiplayer side of things. With that you can "almost" rule out Trico and J...

5907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Team ***Ico's*** next game will probably be shown for the first time at TGS,but....... I sure would love to see a surprise showing at GC.

***Beyond good and evil 2*** "has" to be shown,it just has to be! Does'nt it?

***Jax 4? Uncharted 2***? Well,one can wish,can he not?

Brutal legend would be great to see,more details are needed,it's got great potential.

I think that Heavy rain and that BBC's reporter's***"Mystery gam...

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Beyond the Gears 2,Little big Planets,Killzone 2's.banjo 3's. Prince of Persia's I wanted to see......

Team Ico's next game (I hope for it to show up at Leipzig,but will probably have to wait until TGS)....


Beyond good & evil 2

Uncharted 2

God of war 3 (in some kind of playable form, perhaps at Leipzig?)

Bungie's... "Superintendent"?

And that game the BBC reporter went all n...

5910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Little big Planet is my most anticipated game. "GOTF" (game of the forever)....

5910d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As much as I want to see Ico's next game,Jax 4,Uncharted 2,Beyond good and evil 2,I still want this game to be an all new IP,we already know we are going to get those games down the line,so something new adds to the other great up-coming games.

A platformer like Mario or Banjo would be great. O a Jax or Ratchet game,a quirky game,with style and creativity..... Something close to a "Pixar" movie in eye candy perhaps? I want to be rocked like the firt time I saw Little ...

5910d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I always want to see more from the "big hitters",games like Little big planet,Gears 2,Killzone 2,Banjo 3,Resident evil 5,Fable 2,Prince of Persia,etc,etc...

But at Leipzig I want to see something,anything at all of games like..... Team Ico's next game (But that game has TGS wriiten all over it),Jax 4,Uncharted 2,Beyond good and evil 2,God of War 3,Heavy Rain,and Bungie's "superintendent game"?

And how about that BBC reporters "mystery gam...

5910d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Creativity & innovation along with fantastic stylish appeal at their finest!

When I first saw this game at GDC 07' I knew that this game was (is) something extra special. I cannot recall wanting and anticipating any game more.

GOTF (game of the forever)......

5911d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now this is a hardcore list........

22- Mirrors edge
21- Bionic commando
20- Motorstorm
19- Dark void
18- Ghostbusters
17- Mag
16- Borderlands
15- I am alive
14- Fallout 3
13- Star wars "unleashed"
12- Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty
11- Dead space
10 -Risistance 2
9 - Infamous
8 - Tomb raider
7 - Fable 2
6 - Killzone 2
5 - Risident Evil 5
4 - ...

5912d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes I know that. I mentioned that in my post. I still have my hopes.

I need lots more of LBP,and I also want to see something,anything more on "beyond good & evil 2"....

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Ico,Jax, or Uncharted 2? = Disapointed! Also a short ratchet and Clank Quest for booty coming "only" (well something is better than nothing),no sign of heavy rain? Nice to see GOW3 and Infamous,but they are pretty far down the road, 3 second clip of LBP? But I bet they will show lots more on the showroom floor,at least they better...

Same thing with Microsoft,no Forza 3,no other new IP. No sign of Peter Jackson's halo,Halo 4 etc,etc....But perhaps these games will ...

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Along with the reporter from the BBC's comments on a fantastic new IP,another came from the main editor from PSM a couple months ago...She had said their were two new IP's that were special...

We already know Uncharted 2 is coming,and it would be great to see it,but I want to see Jax 4 even more so. I want them both a whole lot,but knowing we are getting both ASAP,thats even better.

R&C Quest for Booty is another I hope to see.

Of course God of War...

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I tthink we will only see the Peter Jackson Halo at E3. Halo 4's time will be 09" I believe. This fall 08' is Gears 2's time.

Halo Wars will also be shown. So I do'nt think halo 4 will be shown,because it will take some of the thunder away from the other more "close to release titles"...

I sure hope we get to see at least a glimpse of their new IP.I think we will....... And since we have soooo many shooters already in the pipeline I would love to s...

5918d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with you.

Gears of War 2 will be "epic" (no pun intended).

Then throw in this game, and both consoles have real shooter gem's.

My only problem with it, is that it's not out right now...

By the way,whats you're avatar from? Thanks.

5918d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

More info on the big hitters,we all know them....

But what I want to see is Team Ico's next game,at least a glimpse....

Uncharted 2
Jax and Dax 4
Ratchet & Clank Quest for booty
Something ,anything from God of War 3
White knight chronicals

How about Dark Cloud 3?

And how about those two new IP's that the main editor of PSM mag saw.She said they were both at the top of her list. I sure hope...

5920d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Motion controller for Star wars unleashed and Banjo 3? And an all new party game? That sounds about right to me...

I would also like to see more,more more on Banjo3,Gears 2,Fable 2...Plus another all new AAA IP,Star Ocean also has me interested,that would be fantastic Microsoft news...

As for PS3....More details on Resistence 2,Killzone 2,Motorstorm 2,and of course that epic, quirky, innovative little stylish game called LBP....

Show me something,a...

5921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I turn on my X360 I do so to play "games"....I want this to be a game first and foremost.
However when talking Peter Jackson and the Halo universe, you have to wonder and hope, that this can be some kind of leap forward,something you have to wait and see just what they have been cooking up, before you can really comment on...

I put my money on this being something special knowing the sources behind it. I sure hope for a taste at E3...

5921d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment